Sara Bertschinger Restore MN
Sara Bertschinger is a community nurse and Christian worker. She grew up in Northern Cameroon as a missionary's child and upon returning to the States as a teen became increasingly concerned over the spiritual state of America. God has called her to work and minister to the lost here in the US. Sara has served in various Church ministries over the years such as youth, children, drama, outreach, and women's ministry. In recent years the Lord laid a burden on Sara's heart to reach out to civic ministry as well as social ministry. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams
Sara has joined the Staff of Restore MN a non-profit focused on restoring Righteousness to Minnesota through Holy Spirit Lead Grassroots Engagement. She is the SE MN regional coordinator, and her goal is to encourage, inform, equip, and empower citizens to live out their faith in action.
I meet so many discouraged people who are greatly concerned over the moral decay of our society. I want to help direct people to the hope and light that is found in Jesus the Christ. No one politician or party will save us; it is the Lord working through individuals to proclaim and promote Biblical truth, light, and freedom. It is God working through Christians to positively affect society and government that will restore and heal this land. America is at a crossroads what God's people do or not do will affect generations to come. Now is the time to stand strong for the Biblical Principals this Nation was founded on. When God's people are engaged, active and seeking the Lord's favor anything is possible!
Sara is working in full time ministry; donations will help cover some of her income and ministry expenses. Any amount is greatly appreciated and tax deductible.
Connect with Sara directly via email smbert15@gmail.com or phone 507-993-2497
Thank you!
-Sara B.-