Ron Comer
For over two years Ron and Molly have been seeking the Lord to lead them to a ministry in this next season of their lives. Through much prayer and encouragement from others, The Father's Heart was birthed out of the desire to bring the Gospel to those outside the church. They are seeking people who have an interest and/or belief in God yet have little or no connection with other believers. The intent of The Father's Heart ministries is to create a place where life's journeys and challenges can be shared, a safe place where people can work through personal barriers and experience the blessings of gathering together with others while seeking God. (Hebrews 10:25). Simply put, our mission can be summed up in the following; To find lost sheep and bring them home (Luke 15:4-7). Jesus' parable of the Lost Sheep defines our mission. We celebrate with the heavens when one turns to The Father's Heart and trusts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. After thirty plus years in the ministry this is the passion of Ron and Molly. They are excited to seek those who the Lord is gathering!