About Theresa Taylor
Seek the Son Ministries
There are 600 million individuals with disabilities around the world. 49 million reside in the United States. The United States census neglects to include institutionalized, children under the age of five, and senior citizens. Only a small percent attend a church. The disabled community represents one of the largest unreached people groups of the United States
A Joni and Friends survey states that 85% of the churches polled indicated that they lack the knowledge, training, or leadership necessary to launch a disability ministry. The mandate of welcoming all to the great banquet, Luke 14.12 - 24, impassions us to equip churches and para-ministries to fulfill this need. We also desire to make Jesus real to the disability community, through a servant's heart found in John 13:1 - 17.
Please visit www.seektheson.org for more information.